Place du Marché, 77570 Château-Landon, FONTAINEBLEAU, France
The municipality of Château-Landon is located 80 km south-east of Paris, on a rocky hill dominating the river Fusain.
Due to its geographical location, the hill hosted a Gaul oppidum which was seized by Julius Caesar in 52 BC.
The city is divided into two parts, the fortified city, which had administrative and military functions; and the new city, which was dedicated to trade and fairs.
Place du Marché
77570 Château-Landon,
District: FONTAINEBLEAU, France
Tel: +33(0)1 64 29 38 08
CHÂTEAU-LANDON, Place du Marché, 77570 Château-Landon, District: FONTAINEBLEAU, France